12 days// DIY Paper Christmas Tree Decoration

For the 12 days leading up to the Wintry Market, we will be featuring some of our favorite things about the Holiday season, such as music and things you can make yourself, such as the project today! Enjoy and check back tomorrow for even more Wintry Market goodness!
One of our most favorite things about the Holiday season here at Wintry Market, is making things to celebrate, of course! Today for the 12 Days of Wintry, we bring you an easy project to help you spruce up your Holiday decor without breaking the bank.
For this project, you only need a few things: cardboard cones (found at your favorite craft store), 4-5 festive sheets of scrapbooking paper, double sided tape, and Modge Podge, a sponge brush, round shaped paper punch or scissors.

First thing you need to do is cut your paper! We used a round paper punch with a scalloped edge to cut our paper, but scissors work just as well! After you have cut out the circles, cut them in half, like you see above.

Next, tape half circles onto cardboard cone, staggering the pieces. After you have taped all the pieces, cover the entire cone in Modge Podge for extra protection. Now all you need to do is sit back and enjoy your new Holiday decor! Enjoy.

Come back tomorrow for even more 12 Days of Wintry celebratin’ and be sure to visit us at the Ballet Idaho Auditorium on November 5th and 6th!