12 Days // Wintry Market Shopping Guide

As promised, here is a nifty little Wintry Market shopping guide to help you prepare for all your fun findings at Wintry Market. Now that you have checked out what all of our vendors have to offer, you can plan your haul for everyone on your Christmas list. How great will it be to have all your Christmas shopping done early, and from local artisans at that!
(click on shopping list to download in PDF format!)
Included is a list and map of our vendors, to make shopping Wintry Market even that easier. Although we are sure that you are going to want to check out each and every one of them! Also don’t forget that B29 Streatery as well as Big City Coffee will be at the market to help keep you energized and your belly full.
We are so excited to meet all of you! Come down this weekend, November 5th and 6th at the Ballet Idaho Auditorium!
Psst! Have you entered the Kathleen Probst Giveaway on Inspired Designer. Yes, it’s free, and yes, her quilts are beautiful. What are you waiting for??